Proactive Dryer Maintenance: Tips for Preventing Repairs

Proactive Dryer Maintenance: Tips for Preventing RepairsSome days it can feel like laundry is a never ending task. But if it weren’t for your dryer, it truly would be! When it comes to household appliances, your dryer can be taken for granted. But like any machine, it needs regular care and attention to keep it running efficiently and prevent breakdowns.

This article will guide you through key aspects of maintaining your dryer’s performance. From the importance of cleaning lint filters to the significance of following the manufacturer’s instructions, we’ll walk you through practical steps that will not only extend the lifespan of your dryer but also improve its efficiency.

Let’s explore how you can take an active role in preserving your appliance and saving yourself from needing a dryer replacement or dryer repair.


  1. Cleaning the Lint Filter and Ducts
  2. Checking the Drum
  3. Inspecting the Hoses
  4. Checking the Power Cord
  5. Keeping the Dryer Level
  6. Maintaining the Exterior
  7. Drying the Clothes Effectively
  8. Following the Manufacturer’s Instructions
  9. Calling a Professional ASAP

1. Cleaning the Lint Filter and Ducts

Each time you use your dryer, tiny fibers from your clothes become trapped in the lint filter. Over time, this accumulation can obstruct airflow, leading to inefficiency and posing a potential fire hazard. It’s strongly recommended to clean the lint filter before or after every load.

Equally important is the periodic cleaning of the dryer ducts or vents. This task is crucial as lint can also accumulate in these ducts, causing similar issues. Once or twice a year, disconnect the duct from the back of the dryer and use a long-handled brush or a vacuum with a hose attachment to remove the lint buildup. If you aren’t confident in disconnecting the dryer vent to clean it, review these tips for cleaning a dryer vent. This step not only ensures your dryer operates at peak efficiency but also significantly reduces the risk of fire hazards.

2. Checking the Drum

An essential part of proactive dryer maintenance is regularly checking the drum. The drum, where clothes are placed for drying, can accumulate residue and grime over time, which can affect the performance of your appliance. This buildup is not always visible but can leave marks on your clothes and cause the dryer to work harder, leading to increased energy consumption and potential damage. Therefore, it’s recommended to visually inspect the drum periodically for any signs of buildup or stains.

Once a month, unplug the appliance and wipe the interior with a damp cloth to prevent residue from accumulating. In addition to this, regular inspection of the drum also helps in early detection of any cracks or damage, enabling timely repairs and thereby avoiding replacements or dryer repairs in the future.

3. Inspecting the Hoses

The hoses in a dryer can become crimped, crushed, or develop holes which can significantly affect the efficiency of your machine. To prevent potential damage, it’s recommended to check the hose connections for tightness and inspect them for any signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, bulges, or leaks.

Regular checks can help identify scrapes, leaks, and other issues early on, allowing for timely dryer repairs or replacements. It’s also advisable to replace hoses every five years or if there are signs of impending failure like swelling or cracks.

4. Checking the Power Cord

Regular inspection of the power cord can help identify signs of wear, fraying, or damage. A compromised power cord can not only prevent the dryer from receiving adequate electricity, but it also poses a risk of electrical hazards.

It’s advisable to unplug the appliance and inspect the cord for any visible damage, such as frayed wires or loose connections. If any damage is detected, replace the power cord immediately to ensure the safety and efficiency of your dryer.

5. Keeping the Dryer Level

Maintenance Tips to Maximize Your Dryer’s Lifespan An unbalanced dryer can cause excessive vibration, leading to potential wear and tear on the machine’s components, and can even cause it to move from its designated spot. To check if your dryer is level, place a carpenter’s level on top of the machine both side to side and front to back. Adjust the appliance’s feet as needed until it is completely level.

6. Maintaining the Exterior

Maintaining the exterior of your dryer is just as important as the interior when it comes to taking care of your machine. The exterior of your dryer can accumulate dust, lint, and other debris, which can impact the appliance’s performance and efficiency. Regularly wipe down the exterior with a damp cloth to keep it clean. If your dryer is located in a humid area, you may also want to check for signs of rust.

7. Drying the Clothes Effectively

Overloading the dryer not only leads to inefficient drying but also puts undue strain on the machine, leading to premature wear and tear. Instead, load the dryer to no more than three-quarters full to allow for proper air circulation. Also, make sure to sort your clothes by fabric type and dryness level before loading them into the dryer. This ensures that all items are dried evenly and prevents the machine from running longer than necessary, which can lead to overheating.

8. Following the Manufacturer’s Instructions

Following the manufacturer’s instructions is a critical aspect of proactive dryer maintenance. not to be overlooked. Each dryer model has specific maintenance requirements and procedures. These instructions may include guidelines on cleaning, regular inspection of components, and appropriate usage.

9. Calling a Professional ASAP

If you find that your machine isn’t operating as it should and need a dryer repair, don’t wait to hire a professional. Issues to watch for could be your dryer making a strange noise or the dryer turning off too quickly.

Here are the most common dryer issues to look for. If these issues go ignored for too long, they can wear on your machine and possibly require you to replace your dryer.

Diamond Factory Service is the go-to Kansas City appliance repair service for major household appliances, including dryer repair, washer repair, refrigerator repair, oven repair and more. We help clients in the Kansas City and St. Louis area keep their appliances in great shape. Call us today!

By Jeff Russel, Owner of Diamond Factory Appliance

Jeff Russel is serving the greater St. Louis and Kansas City areas. Diamond Appliance provides efficient and effective service for all your appliance repair needs. Our knowledgeable technicians are trained to diagnose and fix any type of problem affecting major appliances quickly, reliably, and cost-effectively. We work hard to ensure customer satisfaction and their many positive reviews demonstrate the quality of our services.